Ultimate Boxing / Ultimate Boxing Academy acknowledges the duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and are committed to ensuring safeguarding practise reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice and club requirements.

The policy recognises that the welfare and interests of children are paramount in all circumstances. It aims to ensure that regardless of age, ability or disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, socio-economic background, all children:

will have a positive and enjoyable experience of sport at Ultimate Boxing / Ultimate Boxing Academy in a safe and child-centred environment.

are protected from abuse whilst participating in boxing/fitness training or outside of the activity.


Ultimate Boxing acknowledges that some children, including disabled children and young people or those from ethnic minority communities, can be particularly vulnerable to abuse and we accept the responsibility to take reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure their welfare.


As part of our safeguarding policy, Ultimate Boxing / Ultimate Boxing Academy will:

promote and prioritise the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people.

ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in respect of safeguarding and is provided with appropriate learning opportunities to recognise, identify and respond to signs of abuse, neglect and other safeguarding concerns relating to children and young people.

ensure appropriate action is taken in the event of incidents/concerns of abuse and support provided to the individual/s who raise or disclose the concern.

ensure that confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored.

prevent the employment/deployment of unsuitable individuals.

ensure robust safeguarding arrangements and procedures are in operation.


The policy and procedures will be widely promoted and are mandatory for everyone involved in Ultimate Boxing. Failure to comply with the policy and procedures will be addressed without delay and may ultimately result in dismissal/exclusion from the organisation.


Email: ultimateboxing@sky.com

Or Social media platforms via PRIVATE DIRECT MESSAGE.



The overriding principle is that any behaviour that threatens the welfare of a child or young person is prohibited and requires reporting and possible action. The participation of children and young people in the sport of boxing and fitness training should be enjoyable and safe. Any behaviour that affects these goals amounts to a safeguarding issue. As well as identifying and eliminating safeguarding threats arising from a child’s participation in the sport, all responsible adults should be aware of indicators of abuse that may be taking place away from the sport, for instance at home or school. We set out below, under broad headings, areas of abuse that can take place within and outside the sport. As with all the examples given they are a guide only and highlight to all responsible adults the areas of risk that give rise to concern:



If a child or young person is placed under the care and supervision of an adult, it is that adult’s duty to attend to that child or young person’s welfare and not to neglect the child even if there are competing pressures on the supervising adult’s time and attention. In boxing, this can include anyone who is charged with the responsibility of care for a child or young person during ‘away from home’ tournaments and who fails to adequately supervise them. Unfamiliar surroundings make it all the more important to look out for young children. Parents and carers put trust in our staff whether they’re leaving them at the gym to train or going away to a tournament. This must be fully appreciated and respected. Neglect occurs where an adult fails to meet a child’s basic physical and / or psychological needs. Care must be taken to appreciate that boxing can be a daunting experience.

Inappropriate Training Levels And Pressure.

Boxing is a very intense training regime for a very physically and mentally demanding sport. This does not mean to say that physical training at a level which is too intense and fatiguing for a child or young person should be encouraged. There is a risk of overexertion during gym work if inappropriate levels of training far in excess of a child’s natural capacity are employed. The frequency must not be inappropriate for their age and physical development. Every athlete is different and we must look out for each of them as individuals.


Matching opponents for boxing both competitively and for sparring is only carried out by the club matchmaker for events and by England Boxing qualified coaches authorised by the club to supervise sparring practice. Only experienced boxing club staff with a minimum England Boxing level 2 coaching certificate should take charge of full contact sparring or boxing in competitive bouts. The club is not open to suggestion for matches or sparring partners made by boxers, parents, friends or family. The club matchmaker for England Boxing events and interclub sparring is Matt Smith.


Bullying can be physical, emotional or verbal. It can take place anywhere and may involve a child bullying another child or even an adult displaying bully behaviours. Bullying causes high levels of stress to children and young people, in many cases affecting their physical or mental health. Bullying in boxing may consist of athletes being pushed too hard by their coaches or parents, a child being intimidated or discriminated against by others, physical abuse or threats or bullying via social media. There must be full respect and care shown between coaches, athletes and their peers.

Children With Disabilities.

Studies suggest children with disabilities are at increased risk of abuse. Various factors contribute to this, such as stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, isolation and a powerlessness to protect themselves or adequately communicate that abuse has occurred. For further information please refer to our Inclusion and Accessibility Policy which is available online and in print on request.


Praise is healthy and should be encouraged for good performance and honesty but never at such a level that it undermines other athletes in the group or makes anyone feel inferior. All children and young people should receive proportionate attention under the control and supervision of an adult. Each child or young person has their natural ability which can be developed by training and coaching. However, any adult with responsibility in this area should be aware of their limitations and give equal time to athletes of all levels.

Drugs And Doping.

Exposure of a child or young person to drug-taking or doping is a serious abuse of a child or young person and a significant safeguarding issue. By ‘exposure’ we do not mean to limit the problem to use, administration or trafficking in drugs but to include any situation where, through neglect by an adult, a child or young person comes into contact with any drug-taking or doping practice, or is subjected to influence or pressure to participate in drug-taking or doping, or sees or experiences ‘recreational’ drug use. This risk to children and young people is insidious and particular vigilance is required to identify children and young people at risk.

Physical Abuse.

It is never acceptable to make inappropriate physical contact or physically assault a child or young person. Certain forms of physical contact such as restraint might be justified for the child’s safety in grave situations where common sense must prevail. Physical contact for the purpose of coaching and instruction is permissible but care needs to be taken that boundaries are not breached. Physical abuse occurs where someone physically hurts or injures a child or young person.

Sexual Abuse.

This includes any form of physical contact with a view to sexual gratification or sexual activity, however minor, both upon or towards a child or young person. Sexual abuse arises wherever an adult uses a child for sexual gratification however it is done. This is where a child or young person is used by another person (which may be an adult or child and may be male or female) for their own sexual gratification. This includes a wide range of conduct and includes ANY conduct sexually, physical or verbal which is engaged in with a child or young person for sexual gratification. Touching a child inappropriately can not be excused as accidental so great care and awareness must be employed at all times.

Emotional Abuse.

This refers to the persistent or repeated ill-treatment of a child that results in adverse effects on their emotional development. Although it can occur in isolation children who have suffered neglect or physical/sexual abuse will also have suffered some level of emotional abuse. Research shows that children who experience an emotionally abusive environment are at higher risk of suffering other forms of abuse. Children of all ages can be emotionally abused in a number of ways, such as:

Imposing developmentally inappropriate expectations on them.

Making them feel worthless, uncared for, inadequate or valued only in so far as they meet the needs of another person.

Making them feel frightened or in danger.

Shouting at, threatening or taunting them.

Overprotecting them causing embarrassment or conversely, failing to give them the support that they need.



If you have a safeguarding concern about a child, if it concerns a Ultimate Boxing / Ultimate Boxing Academy attendee and takes place in the boxing environment on or off-site, the concern must be reported immediately to the Child Welfare Officer (CWO).

In certain cases, where the concern is grave, you may consider contacting the police or the NSPCC. NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000.

While it is not the responsibility of our staff or volunteers to decide whether or not abuse has taken place, it is their responsibility to pass on concerns to the appropriate authorities who will make this decision.

Occasionally a child may disclose abuse themselves directly to an adult they trust. Where this does happen the following should be considered:

• Do not prejudge what you are told and never say that you do not believe what the child or young person says.

• Tell the child or young person that telling you is the correct thing to do.

• Tell the child or young person that they are not to blame.

• Do not under any circumstances continue to question the child or young person beyond confirming what they have said.

• Do not make promises to the child or young person that you cannot keep, for example – promising absolute confidentiality, as any disclosure will be referred on and other appropriate agencies may be involved.

• Do not take action against anyone mentioned in such disclosures and never against an alleged perpetrator.

• Take the child’s name, date of birth and address.

• If appropriate, take details of bruising or other injuries.

• In cases of immediate danger or threat, the emergency services should be called. Consideration should also be given as to whether the NSPCC should be called.

• In normal circumstances, the referral to an outside agency will be carried out by the CWO.

• In all circumstances for the avoidance of doubt, guidance should always be sought from the CWO.



The photographing or filming of children must be controlled and only carried out for a proper purpose and with the correct authority. For further information please refer to our Photography Policy which is available online and in print on request.



Confidentiality should be paramount when dealing with safeguarding matters. Every effort will be made to ensure that confidentiality is maintained for all concerned. The management of confidential information is an important element of our organisation. Such information should be handled in a professional, sensitive and respectful way. Disclosure and dissemination of information should be on a ‘need to know’ basis. No guarantees of confidentiality should be made as the welfare of the child supersedes all other considerations. For further information please refer to our Privacy / Data Protection Policy in accordance with GDPR which is available online and in print on request.



Ultimate Boxing / Ultimate Boxing Academy

Head Coach: Matt Smith

Phone/email: 07889731717 / ultimateboxing@gmail.com

Club Welfare Officer: Gareth Edwards 

Phone/email: 07983 721951 / info@progressboxing-fitness.co.uk

Eastern Counties Regional Welfare Officer: Kerry Norfolk

Phone/email: 01986 788170 / kerry.norfolk@hotmail.co.uk

England Boxing Website: https://www.englandboxing.org/

NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000

We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.


A message to all children and young people within this club:

If you are or believe you are, being abused in any way, by anybody, and this includes inappropriate behaviour, harassment, bullying, verbal or physical you should speak to your parent(s), carer(s), boxing coach, club welfare officer or any adult you feel comfortable speaking to.

If you feel you cannot speak to anyone within this club regarding this matter, you could contact the England Boxing regional secretary or contact the NSPCC – their contact details are shown above and you will not be criticised for doing so.

Do not allow any type of abuse to go unreported or to continue against you.